
I’m excited to introduce you to my writing.

Hello, Word Lovers!

Writing: Thunderhead Rising

Thunderhead Rising Cover

My gritty, suspense thriller novel, Thunderhead Rising, takes readers into dark, shady worlds and the labyrinths of the mind. It’s the first in a planned series, and I’ve begun work on the sequel. Thunderhead Rising is complete and on submission as I seek representation by a literary agent.

Here’s a brief summary

During a cold, icy winter in metropolitan Portland, Oregon, sensible, divorced oncologist PETER CALDER yearns to reestablish the close bond he once had with his two disaffected teenage children. He’s in love again, working through the early stages of a fragile new relationship and longing for more. Just before Christmas, after a startling confrontation with his ex-wife, Peter’s concern about her deteriorating mental health and continuing obsession with him leads him to enlist the help of her stepsister MELINDA to assess the situation and develop a plan. But Melinda has dangerous secrets of her own that threaten to imperil Peter’s carefully constructed world.

A murder and the abduction of Peter’s daughter and her friend rouse Peter to action. His attempt to help the police find the missing persons leads him and his loved ones to a sinister enclave hidden in the woods. Can Peter learn where the danger really lies and engineer a daring rescue before time runs out and lives are lost?

How I Came to Write this Novel

I was inspired to write this novel when I learned Portland is a major hub for drug smuggling and human trafficking. Shocked to discover this hidden underworld operating in my own backyard, I began researching its methods of recruitment and grooming in the Pacific Northwest. The insight I gained, coupled with my personal and professional experience with individuals suffering from behavioral health issues, formed the foundation of Thunderhead Rising.

Writing: Blogs and More

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Over the coming months, I’ll be sharing articles and a short story here.

Please check out my BLOGS, Write Right! and Oregon Author, on the Blog page. I’ll be excited to have you with me as we imagine our world through words.

May the Words Be with You.

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